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Stay in Good Health in Antalya

We wish a long, healthy life for our loved ones at every opportunity… We first and foremost wish someone health on birthdays and New Year’s Eve… When even saying goodbye we will make a salutation for a “healthy life”. The most pleasant of these good wishes in Turkish is “Stay in Good Health”…

This sentence conveys warm and genuine feelings and emphasises the essence of health tourism in Turkey, which is in fact a new and vital sector. So that our loved ones as well as strangers keep staying healthy, all the hospitals in Turkey have transformed themselves and started to open their doors to foreigners from all over the world. Regulations made in the Turkish health sector in recent years led to the rapid growth and improvement of public hospitals and private hospitals. Modern hospitals with specialist physicians and stateof- the-art equipment continuously upgrade the quality of service on the one hand and begin to attract attention with affordable prices on the other hand. Many hospitals in Turkey today are assessed by the Joint Commission International (JCI) and receive accreditation by this organisation. Turkey ranks second in the world in terms of the number of accredited healthcare facilities and is a favourite destination in health tourism.

Only in 2011, more than 500 thousand foreigners came to Turkey to find and “stay in good health” and left with an increased quality of life and cured from their ailments. Turkey was also the choice for plastic surgery among many foreigners. The number of that come to Turkey to receive fertility treatment and leave as future parents is quite remarkable.